If you live outside North America, Geocortex is available through a network of our partner resellers. These distributors of Geocortex software provide consulting, implementation, training and technical support to help you build better GIS applications.

Esri South Africa
Block A, Whitby Manor, 167 14th Road, Noordwyk Ext 61, Midrand, 1687, South Africa
Phone: +27-11-238-6300
Fax: + 27-11-238-6310

Esri India
Address: H-7, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 201301
Phone: +91 (120) 4285000 / 5200
Fax: +91 (120) 4285333

Excelsiorlaan 25, B-1930 Zaventem, Belgium
Phone: +32 2 300 86 60
Fax: +32 2 880 82 58

Cihelní 1575/14, 702 00 Ostrava 1, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 663 111
Fax: +420 596 663 112

Stationsparken 37, 4. DK-2600 Glostrup, Denmark
Phone: +45 3996 5900
Fax: +45 3996 5934

9, Rue du Quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris, France
Phone: +33 (0) 1 70 98 34 10
Fax: +33 (0) 1 70 98 31 40

GeoGraphics S.r.l.
Via Marcello Tassini 4, 44123 Ferrara, Italy
Phone: +39 (0) 532 904611
Fax: +39 (0) 532 904666

Esri Netherlands
Postbus 29020, 3001 GA Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0) 10 217 07 00
Fax: +31 (0) 10 217 07 99

Esri Portugal
Rua Julieta Ferrão, 10 – 10° A, 1600-131 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: (+351) 217 816 640
Fax: (+351) 217 931 533

TOBB Economy and Technology University, Sogutozu Caddesi No:43
Technology Transfer Office No:2 Cankaya, 06560 Ankara, Turkey
Phone: +90 533 608 8305 / +90 538 554 7737

Carrera 7 # 52 – 44, Bogotá, Colombia
Phone: +57 319 519 8213