Geocortex now offers hosted widgets that can be added directly into Web AppBuilder applications in ArcGIS Online! This functionality allows users to easily add and use Geocortex products, enhances the possibilities of ArcGIS Online and increases flexibility when it comes to building applications.
This Geocortex Tech Tip will demonstrate how to add Geocortex hosted widgets into Web AppBuilder applications hosted within ArcGIS Online. Additionally, it will introduce how to customize hosted widgets to further augment GIS capabilities!
Video Transcription:
Hi, it’s Paul from VertiGIS. Today we’re going to have a look at how you can add custom widgets to your Web AppBuilder applications that are hosted within ArcGIS Online using Geocortex technology. Let’s jump in!
So, I’m inside of a Web AppBuilder application that I’m configuring inside of my ArcGIS Online environment. I’m going to show you the default view of all the widgets that are available inside of my ArcGIS Online environment.
What I’ve done is added in a couple of our widgets here, and I just wanted to show you that we now have a custom tab that contains Geocortex Workflow and Geocortex Printing already here. What I’m going to do is show you the steps to add in Geocortex Reporting. So, let’s go ahead and do that!
Here we are in the ArcGIS marketplace. I’m going to go ahead and click on the “Products” tab. You’ll see here on the left-hand side that there’s “Hosted Widgets”. You can see we’ve got our three products there.
We’ll click on Geocortex Reporting and you can see an overview of the application here inside of the marketplace listing. I’m going to click on “60-Days Trial”. Go ahead and submit the form that comes up.
All right, so I can go now into the console here and I’ll make sure that I have it shared appropriately. What I need to do is make sure that this item is shared with the appropriate group. I’ll click on “Manage Sharing”. I need to create a group on the ArcGIS Online side that has our Web AppBuilder authors inside of it. As long as I have that I will have a group here that I’m able to share this hosted widget with.
I’ll hit “Ok” and I’m good to go. I’ll click “Share” and I’m going to double check the sharing options here. Click “Edit group sharing”. I am sharing with the appropriate group so I’m ready to go.
We’ll bounce back over to my Web AppBuilder application here. You can see that I now have a third option here. I’ve got Geocortex Reporting, Geocortex Workflow and Geocortex Printing. I’ve got all three available to me now. Very simple, very easy to setup.
Let’s go ahead and add in a Workflow widget here. You can see here that I’ve actually got two options, “Choose Workflow” or “Create New”. I’ve got the ability to choose an existing Workflow or create a new one. I can open up Geocortex Workflow Designer automatically here and create a new workflow if I choose.
I’m going to click “Choose Workflow” to choose an existing workflow first. I’m going to scroll down to the one that I’ve created. It’s just a simple tax parcel search workflow that I’ve set up.
You can see here it brings up a form. I’ll give you a sneak peek of what this one looks like. You can set a buffer distance here. The form will automatically display an option to set the buffer, and I can do that. You can see that this workflow has the ability to open a report as well.
Let’s have a look at creating a new one. If I go to “Create New” I’ve got the option to go right into Geocortex Workflow Designer. I’ve actually got this option here called “Workflow for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder” that will build a workflow specifically for Web AppBuilder.
I can create a simple workflow here very quickly. Let’s get rid of the title. Let’s put text in here. I’m going to make a header that just says, “Hello World”. Quick “Save”. I’ll set the title as “HelloWorld”.
I’ll bounce right back into my application here and click “Choose Workflow”. The “HelloWorld” workflow should be listed here. And there we go!
Now I can run that workflow very simply and easily. Obviously a very simple workflow, but you can see how quickly I can get a widget added into my Web AppBuilder application.
Now you have complete flexibility on being able to add our products into any type of Web AppBuilder application that you might have, whether it be Developer Edition, ArcGIS Enterprise and now ArcGIS Online. Exciting stuff!
That’s all I have for you today, take care!
Want to learn more about the capabilities of Geocortex products? Click the button below for more information on what is possible with Geocortex Reporting.