In addition to building powerful web mapping applications, another key element that makes Geocortex Essentials so robust is its ability to integrate with virtually any 3rd party system.
Whether that’s ERP, asset or land management software, business intelligence, or a document management system, you can integrate any of these data sources with our technology to help you break down departmental silos and enable your data to flow more seamlessly, accelerating your access to information and helping you make more intelligent and important decisions quickly.
We often get asked a lot about Geocortex’s integration capabilities, and we thought it would be a great time to share with you a webinar that’s available to view by our Technical Marketing Lead, Paul Van Haaren, on how this we support this process.
Click the button below to access our Integrating Business Intelligence and Data Sources with Geocortex Essentials webinar on demand. We’ll show you a few examples of systems such as Cityworks, SAP, ERP, and Salesforce, and how they can connect with Geocortex Essentials to visualize important data, the various different methods to integrate with these third party systems (like data linking, using workflows, URL parameters, feature hyperlinking, and JavaScript APIs) as well as some real-world examples on how these integrations are helping to streamline processes, featuring the Regional Municipality of York, the City of Alexandria, and Pitkin County.