Geocortex Mobile - Geocortex

Geocortex Mobile

Develop mobile GIS applications and run them online or offline.
Learn more
Your framework for developing industry-leading field data collection apps
Offline Mobile Use

Build the mobile apps your organization needs for offline field data collection.

Make it Your Own

Combine Geocortex Mobile with Geocortex Workflow to build guided user interactions for virtually any process.

Deploy it Your Way

Deploy your applications with Geocortex Go, or publish them yourself.

What is Geocortex Mobile?

Configure mobile applications to meet any challenge

Build cutting-edge apps from inside your web browser and optimize them for a mobile, offline environment. Geocortex Mobile Designer provides the level of configuration you need to create fully custom, branded apps.


Geocortex Mobile comes complete with Geocortex Workflow, which allows you to guide the tasks your field workers perform.


Geocortex Mobile lets you make edits in the field and synchronize those changes when the app goes back online.


Geocortex Mobile is built with the latest version of Esri’s Runtime SDK for .NET future-proofing your applications against inevitable changes in technology.

Geocortex Go

Use Geocortex Go to preview the apps you develop, or let other users in your organization access them. Download Geocortex Go today to try out a sample app.


Geocortex Go for Android
Geocortex Go for iOS
Geocortex Go for Windows

Dive a little deeper

Watch our 30-minute Geocortex Mobile webinar to learn more.

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Get started with Geocortex Mobile

Geocortex Mobile is available in the cloud and on-premises.
Start your free, 60-day trial today!

Try it in the cloud
Try it on-premises